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The Hunt Begins

Artist: Steve Winterburn

Dimensions: 68cm x 30cm x 18cm

Weight: 19kg

Edition Size: 8

Material: Bronze on Granite

Falcons and birds of prey have always been a passion for Steve and always will be. One of his first sell out collections was a falcon and he has done several variations of them over the years, learning more about them each time. Having close friends in falconry has helped Steve to achieve the amazing accuracy and detail, as he has been privileged enough to get hands on experiences with them and understand the majestic beauty of these birds up close and personal.

This sculpture in particular is depicting the moments before the hunt, as opposed to some of the more dynamic falcon sculptures Steve has completed, this pose gave him the opportunity to focus on accuracy. Everything from the glove to the jesses and then to the anatomy of the bird itself, no detail has been left untouched.

The Hunt Begins really captures the pre hunt anticipation, the alert look of the falcon and overall presence of the piece created by Steve gives a real calm before the storm feel.




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