Artist: Roxy Winterburn
Dimensions: 25cm x 25cm x 16cm
Weight: 6kg
Edition number: 1 of 45
Material: Bronze
This new heart felt sculpture by Roxy brings a new edge to her work. With this piece being driven and inspired by personal experience and portraying a specific time in her life, a real atmosphere is conveyed as though you were experiencing the moment first hand. The sculpture is finished in her signature style which she has now honed over 3 complete collections, the combination of her cute yet stylised techniques compliment the image she is painting perfectly allowing the audience to engage effortlessly and get a real feel for this brilliant piece of art.
Roxy’s artist notes:
“Horses have always had a very special place in my heart, the bond between horse and rider is like no other and just being in their presence is a fulfilling and joyous experience. I grew up around horses and was lucky enough to experience this bond on throughout my childhood. I wanted to capture this in my work. Moving as a child is a daunting experience until new connections are made, before and after my move to Yorkshire horses always offered me friendship. As a young child I used to ride an old piebald horse called Kasey. I always felt as though he was looking after me and like he was full of wisdom. This piece represents to me that part of my journey and resemble that kind of a friendship. The horse being a guardian to the vulnerable child who in turn offers the horse a new lease of life and freedom.”